Thursday, March 31, 2011




by Rev. Janet Marston


from Webster's Dictionary - the definition of HYPOCRITE:
1: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

My Gramma McGregor used to tell me not to let anything out of my mouth that I was not willing to eat! If dirt comes out of your mouth - then you will eat dirt. I never heard a bad word come out of my Gramma's mouth. She never said or did anything she did not stand up for.

Nothing irks me more than a hypocrite - someone who says one thing, but does the opposite (like most politicians) - or someone who pretends to be one way, but lives differently.

I will give you an example. I am not speaking about one person in particular - there are many people like this today - both male and female. But, lets say you go to a church where the pastor (or lay leader) prays with you and the congregation, acts like a good example for Christ - teaches bible studies, involved in charities, proclaims that they follow the 10 commandments - condemns others for smoking, drinking, and adultery. Everyone loves this person and believes this person is virtuous. BUT, this person, who is supposed to represent Christ and be an example and teach the sheep - this person does not act the same way at home. Let's say, this person refuses to pray with his own wife. He doesn't read God's word with her or his children, and indulges in profanities and promiscuous acts. Let's say, this person also gets drunk in secret and is abusive to his wife or children. And, let's say, this person may also be a drug addict.

Would you want this person to be a leader in your church? Would you want this person to be a representative of Christ? Of course not! It is one thing to have problems that you openly admit and are willing to get help for. We are to be helpful to our brothers and sisters in Christ who want and need help. But for someone to lie, or deny, that they are doing one thing, and pretending to be another, that is an abomination to God.

YOU are a representative of Christ, also - if you proclaim to be a Christian, then you must live up to what you SAY you are. Do you really think you can hide from God? Do you not know that God knows what you are doing? What makes you think you can get by with it? Do you not realize that you are turning people AWAY from Christ instead of TO him? We will all be accountable to God for our mistakes - I am not excluded in that either. But, to stand up in front of a congregation and act all high and almighty after indulging in 'secret sins' - is just plain wrong, folks. It's more than that - it's an abomination. The truth will come out and you will answer for it.

My point is this - yes, we are all sinners. I myself have made mistakes and hopefully learned from them. Life is a journey of learning from our mistakes, and growing closer to God in the process. Making mistakes is not hypocritical - it's a learning curve - and if you have learned and are willing to try harder and change - that is to be celebrated. But, if you are hiding and lying about who you really are - then you are a hypocrite and you need to get down on your knees and pray for God to forgive you, and you need to be willing to change - and you need to be willing to admit your faults. AND, if you are a pastor and you do not pray with your wife - SHAME on you - get on your knees and ask for forgiveness - do you think Jesus would refuse to pray with us? We are HIS bride - and you need to treat YOUR bride the same way Jesus would treat us.


PSALM 26:3-5 (NIV)
3 for I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness.
4 I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites.
5 I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked.

MATTHEW 6:1-6 (NIV)(Giving to the Needy)
1 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
2 “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

MATTHEW 23:22-25 (NIV)
22 And anyone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and by the one who sits on it.
23 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FOOD FOR THE SPIRIT - 03/16/2011


March 16, 2011
by Rev. Janet Marston


Webster’s Dictionary defines “abomination” as:

Definition of ABOMINATION
1: something abominable
2: extreme disgust and hatred : loathing
Synonyms: abhorrence, hate, anathema, antipathy, aversion, bĂȘte noire, detestation, execration

In brief, “abomination” means something extremely hated – everyone has an abomination to something or for something – for instance, child molesting or abusing a child would be an abomination – something that I really hate with extreme disgust. So, what is an abomination to you? What do you think is an abomination to God? And, how many abominations are there in the Bible? Well, I did a search on Bible Gateway ( under King James Version for the word “abomination” and came up with 142 instances of abomination in numerous verses – however, some are abominations to nations or other people but not in reference to GOD.

All sin is an abomination to GOD. GOD hates sin. None of us can avoid it – none of us can avoid sin – in essence, we all commit abominations to GOD, because GOD hates sin. Why is it, then, that we, as humans, tend to pick and choose which abominations are the ones that GOD will or will not approve of? Did GOD say, okay, I will accept these, but not those? NOT. GOD cannot approve of ANY type of sin because HE is perfect and cannot sin, and GOD cannot approve of anything that is not perfect. We, therefore, are full of sin, and cannot “not” sin. I know, sounds confusing. But, in simple form, this is what I am getting at – all SIN is an abomination to GOD, therefore, since we ALL sin, ALL of us commit abominations to GOD.

Look in the Old Testament – come on now, eating bacon and pork chops are abominations to GOD – do you really think GOD is going to condemn you to hell for eating a pork chop? I don’t think so. JESUS came and fulfilled the law – JESUS paid the price for our sins – JESUS said “It is finished” – HE died for the sins of the whole world – NOT just the ones WE approve of. Does that mean we should eat bacon three times per day? NO – although I would love to, it wouldn’t be good for my health. The point is, you have to look at the whole picture. GOD gave a plethora of instructions and commands to the people of Israel from what foods to eat, how to talk, how to dress, what to touch, what not to touch, and how to worship HIM – because salvation had not been attained yet through Jesus Christ – and, since we are now redeemed, many things are no longer applicable to today, like eating pork, things like that. We do not have to adhere to the food restrictions. Although if one chooses to out of personal choice, that’s okay too. GOD had HIS reasons for all of those instructions to the people of Israel.

It’s like being a parent – let’s say you have a child who is allergic to peanuts – you would therefore command that child not to eat peanuts, because it isn’t good for them. Let’s also say, you tell your child he can’t wear his hair long – and it’s because his school has a dress code in place – it’s for his own good – for the good of the people – not necessarily anything that would condemn them to hell.

But now, that does not mean that everything in the Old Testament is void – because GOD does expect us to do our best to live by the Ten Commandments and the commands that JESUS gave us in the New Testament – like love they neighbor as thyself, etc. So, we are not free to go rampant with sin and do as we please without consequences. ALL of us have to face the consequences of our actions – not one person on this earth can avoid the final judgment day. As Christians, being saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, who paid the atonement for our sins, we are forgiven. But, I assure you, that we will all still have to answer for what we have done and not done during our lives here on this earth. That’s for another sermon.

My point is this – with all the chaos and fighting and bickering amongst us so-called Christians about what is an abomination to GOD and who is better than someone else, what is right or wrong – we have no right to judge others for their sins, when we are all sinners. Let me tell you folks, judging others is an abomination to GOD also. Lying is an abomination to GOD (oops, there go all the politicians). Spewing hateful words and violence acts towards others “in the name of GOD” is absolutely an abomination to GOD. Got news for you, smoking cigarettes (or any kind of intoxicating substance) is also a sin – anything that hurts your body, like smoking and doing drugs, it’s all a sin – and is an abomination to GOD – even eating too much – or not eating enough on purpose, like bulimia and anorexia, it’s a sin because it hurts your body. Did you know that eating seafood like shrimp and crab legs (which I dearly love to eat) is a sin according to the Old Testament laws – and since sin is an abomination, well, if you want to adhere to the Old Testament laws, then you are sinning – hopefully, now, you get the picture.

We can, however, recognize that something is a sin, and, without judging and condemning others, and still love and care for that person for who they are and NOT what they do. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and to them to convict them to want to change their ways. Someone has to want to change. We can’t force it on them. And, we should not disown them or excommunicate them either. How can you show someone unconditional love if you are giving them conditional ultimatums? There are times when intervention is needed, and that is after prayerful consideration and guidance by the Holy Spirit.

I suggest you humbly pray about the situation you are dealing with concerning the sin of another person and ask God to give you the right words to minister to them. God may not want you to get involved at all. HE may just want you to pray for the right person to come along to help. Regardless, tell that person you love them and that you respect their opinion and that you are there for them if they need you. You do not need to enable their sin, just back off and give them their space. Respecting an opinion does not mean accepting it. They have a right to their opinions just like everyone else. They may not know they are wrong – and be warned, you might be wrong.

We do not have to agree with everyone’s way of life or choices they make, and they don’t have to agree with ours – but we DO have to respect one another and love one another as Christ loves us, who gave HIS life for us and all of our dirty filthy sins and, if you don’t think you have any, you are wrong.

Next time you think about judging someone who is, for example, living a lifestyle you don’t approve of, or has committed adultery, or lied, or cheated, or an addict to alcohol or drugs, think about that bacon or pork chop you had recently. They don’t have to agree with your choices – and you don’t have to eat bacon.


Read through these scriptures that refer to things that are abominations to GOD. I highlighted in bold the word abomination in each verse:

1. Leviticus 7:18
And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul that eateth of it shall bear his iniquity.

2. Leviticus 11:10
And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

3. Leviticus 11:11
They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.

4. Leviticus 11:12
Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

5. Leviticus 11:13
And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,

6. Leviticus 11:20
All fowls that creep, going upon all four, shall be an abomination unto you.

7. Leviticus 11:23
But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you.

8. Leviticus 11:41
And every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten.

9. Leviticus 11:42
Whatsoever goeth upon the belly, and whatsoever goeth upon all four, or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things that creep upon the earth, them ye shall not eat; for they are an abomination.

10. Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

11. Leviticus 18:26
Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:

12. Leviticus 18:27
(For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)

13. Leviticus 18:29
For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

14. Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

15. Deuteronomy 7:25
The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God.

16. Deuteronomy 7:26
Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.

17. Deuteronomy 12:31
Thou shalt not do so unto the LORD thy God: for every abomination to the LORD, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.

18. Deuteronomy 13:14
Then shalt thou enquire, and make search, and ask diligently; and, behold, if it be truth, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought among you;

19. Deuteronomy 17:1
Thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock, or sheep, wherein is blemish, or any evilfavouredness: for that is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

20. Deuteronomy 17:4
And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:

21. Deuteronomy 18:9
When thou art come into the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.

22. Deuteronomy 18:12
For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

23. Deuteronomy 20:18
That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.

24. Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

25. Deuteronomy 23:18
Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

26. Deuteronomy 24:4
Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

27. Deuteronomy 25:16
For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.

28. Deuteronomy 27:15
Cursed be the man that maketh any graven or molten image, an abomination unto the LORD, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and putteth it in a secret place. And all the people shall answer and say, Amen.

29. Deuteronomy 29:17
And ye have seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and stone, silver and gold, which were among them:)

30. Deuteronomy 32:16
They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.

31. 1 Samuel 13:4
And all Israel heard say that Saul had smitten a garrison of the Philistines, and that Israel also was had in abomination with the Philistines. And the people were called together after Saul to Gilgal.

32. 1 Kings 11:5
For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.

33. 1 Kings 11:7
Then did Solomon build an high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.

34. 1 Kings 14:24
And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

35. 2 Kings 16:3
But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, yea, and made his son to pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before the children of Israel.

36. 2 Kings 21:2
And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, after the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

37. 2 Kings 21:11
Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done these abominations, and hath done wickedly above all that the Amorites did, which were before him, and hath made Judah also to sin with his idols:

38. 2 Kings 23:13
And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.

39. 2 Kings 23:24
Moreover the workers with familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the images, and the idols, and all the abominations that were spied in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might perform the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD.

40. 2 Chronicles 28:3
Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.

41. 2 Chronicles 33:2
But did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, like unto the abominations of the heathen, whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.

42. 2 Chronicles 34:33
And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the LORD their God. And all his days they departed not from following the LORD, the God of their fathers.

43. 2 Chronicles 36:8
Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations which he did, and that which was found in him, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.

44. 2 Chronicles 36:14
Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.

45. Ezra 9:1
Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of the lands, doing according to their abominations, even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

46. Ezra 9:11
Which thou hast commanded by thy servants the prophets, saying, The land, unto which ye go to possess it, is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands, with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness.

47. Ezra 9:14
Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

48. Psalm 88:8
Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.

49. Proverbs 3:32
For the froward is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous.

50. Proverbs 6:16
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

51. Proverbs 8:7
For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

52. Proverbs 11:1
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.

53. Proverbs 11:20
They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.

54. Proverbs 12:22
Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.

55. Proverbs 13:19
The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.

56. Proverbs 15:8
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

57. Proverbs 15:9
The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness.

58. Proverbs 15:26
The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD: but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

59. Proverbs 16:5
Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

60. Proverbs 16:12
It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.

61. Proverbs 17:15
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

62. Proverbs 20:10
Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.

63. Proverbs 20:23
Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.

64. Proverbs 21:27
The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind?

65. Proverbs 24:9
The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

66. Proverbs 26:25
When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart.

67. Proverbs 28:9
He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

68. Proverbs 29:27
An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.

69. Isaiah 1:13
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.

70. Isaiah 41:24
Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.

71. Isaiah 44:19
And none considereth in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; yea, also I have baked bread upon the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and eaten it: and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree?

72. Isaiah 66:3
He that killeth an ox is as if he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, as if he offered swine's blood; he that burneth incense, as if he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.

73. Isaiah 66:17
They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.

74. Jeremiah 2:7
And I brought you into a plentiful country, to eat the fruit thereof and the goodness thereof; but when ye entered, ye defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination.

75. Jeremiah 4:1
If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the LORD, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.

76. Jeremiah 6:15
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.

77. Jeremiah 7:10
And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations?

78. Jeremiah 7:30
For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it.

79. Jeremiah 8:12
Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.

80. Jeremiah 13:27
I have seen thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, and thine abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be?

81. Jeremiah 32:34
But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it.

82. Jeremiah 32:35
And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

83. Jeremiah 44:22
So that the LORD could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.

84. Ezekiel 5:9
And I will do in thee that which I have not done, and whereunto I will not do any more the like, because of all thine abominations.

85. Ezekiel 5:11
Wherefore, as I live, saith the Lord GOD; Surely, because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things, and with all thine abominations, therefore will I also diminish thee; neither shall mine eye spare, neither will I have any pity.

86. Ezekiel 6:9
And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations.

87. Ezekiel 6:11
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Smite with thine hand, and stamp with thy foot, and say, Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.

88. Ezekiel 7:3
Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations.

89. Ezekiel 7:4
And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

90. Ezekiel 7:8
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations.

91. Ezekiel 7:9
And mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: I will recompense thee according to thy ways and thine abominations that are in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I am the LORD that smiteth.

92. Ezekiel 7:20
As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable things therein: therefore have I set it far from them.

93. Ezekiel 8:6
He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations.

94. Ezekiel 8:9
And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here.

95. Ezekiel 8:13
He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.

96. Ezekiel 8:15
Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.

97. Ezekiel 8:17
Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.

98. Ezekiel 9:4
And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

99. Ezekiel 11:18
And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence.

100. Ezekiel 11:21
But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD.

101. Ezekiel 12:16
But I will leave a few men of them from the sword, from the famine, and from the pestilence; that they may declare all their abominations among the heathen whither they come; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

102. Ezekiel 14:6
Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.

103. Ezekiel 16:2
Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,

104. Ezekiel 16:22
And in all thine abominations and thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood.

105. Ezekiel 16:36
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;

106. Ezekiel 16:43
Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head, saith the Lord GOD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations.

107. Ezekiel 16:47
Yet hast thou not walked after their ways, nor done after their abominations: but, as if that were a very little thing, thou wast corrupted more than they in all thy ways.

108. Ezekiel 16:50
And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

109. Ezekiel 16:51
Neither hath Samaria committed half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done.

110. Ezekiel 16:58
Thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine abominations, saith the LORD.

111. Ezekiel 18:12
Hath oppressed the poor and needy, hath spoiled by violence, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, hath committed abomination,

112. Ezekiel 18:13
Hath given forth upon usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not live: he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.

113. Ezekiel 18:24
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

114. Ezekiel 20:4
Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them? cause them to know the abominations of their fathers:

115. Ezekiel 20:7
Then said I unto them, Cast ye away every man the abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

116. Ezekiel 20:8
But they rebelled against me, and would not hearken unto me: they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt: then I said, I will pour out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

117. Ezekiel 20:30
Wherefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit ye whoredom after their abominations?

118. Ezekiel 22:2
Now, thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations.

119. Ezekiel 22:11
And one hath committed abomination with his neighbour's wife; and another hath lewdly defiled his daughter in law; and another in thee hath humbled his sister, his father's daughter.

120. Ezekiel 23:36
The LORD said moreover unto me; Son of man, wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah? yea, declare unto them their abominations;

121. Ezekiel 33:26
Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbour's wife: and shall ye possess the land?

122. Ezekiel 33:29
Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed.

123. Ezekiel 36:31
Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.

124. Ezekiel 43:8
In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.

125. Ezekiel 44:6
And thou shalt say to the rebellious, even to the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations,

126. Ezekiel 44:7
In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my covenant because of all your abominations.

127. Ezekiel 44:13
And they shall not come near unto me, to do the office of a priest unto me, nor to come near to any of my holy things, in the most holy place: but they shall bear their shame, and their abominations which they have committed.

128. Daniel 9:27
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

129. Daniel 11:31
And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

130. Daniel 12:11
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

131. Hosea 9:10
I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at her first time: but they went to Baalpeor, and separated themselves unto that shame; and their abominations were according as they loved.

132. Zechariah 9:7
And I will take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from between his teeth: but he that remaineth, even he, shall be for our God, and he shall be as a governor in Judah, and Ekron as a Jebusite.

133. Malachi 2:11
Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

134. Matthew 24:15
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

135. Mark 13:14
But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

136. Luke 16:15
And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.

137. Revelation 17:4
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

138. Revelation 17:5

139. Revelation 21:27
And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



March 9, 2011
By Rev. Janet Marston


Most people don't understand or care about Ash Wednesday - it's mostly a Catholic tradition - but is also celebrated by some protestants, like Lutherans, Episcopalians, Methodists, and so on.

So, what's the big deal? It really isn't a 'big' deal - but it is something good to think about. It's supposed to symbolize a 'day of repentance' - which begins the Lent season with the imposition of ashes on the forehead in the shape of a cross. The ashes are generally palm branches that are burned to ash from the previous Palm Sunday. Lent leads up to Easter Sunday (or) Resurrection Sunday - and also the Passover season.

Anyway, what's most important to remember is that is a voluntary act - just as JESUS voluntarily went through the journey to the cross for us - as an act of humility and faith, you can voluntarily take the journey through Lent to Easter, by deciding on something to give up or 'sacrifice' for JESUS.

Last year, I gave up Sonic - I absolutely LOVE Sonic hamburgers and chili dogs - it was tough - tougher than I thought it would be - and would you believe it - I actually went straight to Sonic after Easter service and chowed down on a big fat chili dog! Oh, the sacrifice (hee-hee).

You can give up anything you want - from food or favorite things to do or read - some people decide to give up a favorite snack like cookies or candy or even sodas - some people decide to give up their favorite TV shows or TV altogether - some try giving up their favorite past-time like playing golf or fishing. No matter what you decide, if you decide to do it, make sure it is something you will actually miss.

I haven't decided what to give up yet this year - but need to decide before the end of the day today. I already cut down on my Sonic and other junk food - so I don't miss that as much as I did last year. Maybe I will give up one of my weekly TV shows or snacks or something.

Here's an even better idea - how about just turning your life over to JESUS - and give up control of your own life - and in humility, sacrifice yourself for HIM? Now, think about this. We all claim to be Christian - but are we REALLY being "Christ-like" which is what the word means? Being "Christ-like" is being "like Christ" - what would JESUS do? In everything you do, every single day, do you think before you act? Do you say "hmmm...would JESUS approve?" - "Would JESUS do that?" - "Would JESUS watch that?" - "Would JESUS talk like that?" Well, if you truly are CHRIST-like, CHRISTIAN, you would want to turn your life over to HIM - it has to be of your own free will - not forced - not out of guilt or obligation - but from your heart.

When you pray to HIM and ask HIM to take over your life each and every day - and you reflect on that all throughout the day, you are truly sacrificing by giving HIM the control. JESUS turned his whole life over to be the sacrifice for us. Who better to take all of our burdens and cares to than the One who gave up everything to save us?


PSALM 54:6-7 (NIV)
6 I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you; I will praise your name, LORD, for it is good.
7 You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes

ROMANS 3:22-26
22 This righteousness is given through faith in[h] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile,
23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished—
26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.

ROMANS 12:1-2
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

HEBREWS 9:27-28
27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,
28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.